Would you like to learn how to create personal, fresh photos in popular places, like yellowstone?
If so, this ebook is for you.
Lessons from the Landscape: Yellowstone National Park features Sarah Marino's portfolio of photographs created within the borders of America's first National Park.
Through her diverse portfolio of photographs and eleven personal essays, Lessons from the Landscape is meant to inspire, invite contemplation about our motivations for photographing nature, encourage practices that can lead to greater personal satisfaction through photography, and explore the ways that we can connect more deeply with the natural world. This ebook is not a location guide for Yellowstone National Park and includes only a few location references. Instead, it is contemplative work meant to convey Sarah's connection with and interpretations of this dynamic, surreal landscape.
This ebook is for photographers who want to learn about how create more personal photographs in popular places, connect more deeply with any landscape, and find more opportunities for photography in any location. Also: anyone who appreciates Yellowstone’s diverse and surreal landscapes.
Price: $25 for the 187-page PDF ebook.
A 187-page PDF ebook featuring 166 portfolio photographs created in Yellowstone National Park including grand landscapes, small scenes, abstracts, and portraits of plants. Although some iconic locations are included, most photos in the book are more personal interpretations of the Yellowstone ecosystem.
11 personal essays focusing on themes related to "lessons from the landscape" including Sarah's personal connection to the park, learning to appreciate small details, slowing down, exploring without a plan, minimizing expectations, the benefits of learning more about an ecosystem, listening to your voice, and more.
Six detailed case studies talking through notes on creativity, field practices, and processing for each photograph.
Technical details for 50 of the photos from the portfolio, including focal length, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, filters, and more.

Reviews of Lessons from the Landscape
“This is one of the most beautifully elegant, personal and informative photo books I think I have ever read. It is really three books in one, each could stand on their own, but they also play together very well, with excellent integration and the whole presentation is far greater than the sum of the parts. The first is the photos, all unique and personal interpretations of Yellowstone—some grand scenes but also many of the small scenes Sarah is so well known for. The second book includes well written personal essays that create their own images and memories through the skillful use of words. The third is a discussion of the photographic process and technical details that I found very informative. This book is destined to be a classic!”
“As someone who has only been to Yellowstone once and foolishly thought I had ‘seen it all,’ Sarah’s ebook, ‘Lessons From The Landscape,’ opened my eyes to a whole new world. From grand landscapes to intimate wonders, Sarah’s creative photography beautifully portrays all different sides of this magnificent landscape and immerses the viewer as if they were there for themself. Her writing in the multiple essays is also vulnerable and personal, which I truly appreciate as it further reveals the deep and genuine connection that she has with this remarkable place. I now feel more inspired to always visit natural places with an open mind, an open heart, and an open agenda, so that I can also hope to witness its beauty in all different forms and scales.”
“‘Lessons from the Landscape: Yellowstone National Park’ provides an extraordinary, immersive experience. Through her deeply personal essays and her visual artistry, Sarah takes us on an intimate journey through this beloved national park in a way that makes you feel as if you were there. Sarah’s photographs reveal the full range of Yellowstone’s grandeur, from the splendor of the park’s grand landscapes to the hidden wonders that are revealed only when we take time to reflect on the smaller details in the scenes that surround us. Sarah’s very personal connection to, and reverence for, the lands that she photographs, are evident in her original and authentic imagery. The lessons Sarah provides here have inspired me to follow my heart—to let go of expectations, to be open to finding ‘sparks of inspiration’ through exploration and discovery, and ultimately, to create photographs that are personal and meaningful to me. Thank you, Sarah!”
“Sarah’s essays take readers on a deeply personal and enlightening journey into her experiences of learning with the landscapes, both intimate and grand, of Yellowstone National Park. Her inspiring and masterful imagery is testament to the careful attention she pays to the natural world around her. For anyone wanting to learn to develop their sense of self as a photographer, this book is an indispensable guide.”
“Through her impressive compositions of the hidden gems of Yellowstone and her accompanying personal essays, Sarah provides an immersive experience into her exploratory and inquisitive approach to nature photography. Sarah shares meaningful insights into how she developed her creative vision through shifting her mindset and connecting with nature in a more open way. This ebook will be an inspiration and a guide for any landscape and nature photographer who seeks to to express themselves authentically through their images.”
“In her portfolio of quietly exciting small scenes, abstracts, and landscapes from Yellowstone, Sarah presents an inspiring testament to the slow-paced and open-minded approach to nature photography that she reveals in the accompanying essays. Through her stories of overcoming obstacles and finding a deeply personal connection in a place traveled by millions, you will realize that you, too, have something original to say about even the most familiar destinations.”
“Sarah’s ebook, ‘Lessons from the Landscape: Yellowstone National Park,’ is an inspiring mix of incredible imagery and insightful words. Even if you have spent a lot of time in Yellowstone, Sarah’s images will leave you stunned by the beauty of this park. Her essays invite you into her head and heart as she shares the way she sees this national park and photography overall. Lessons from the Landscape will leave you wanting to immerse yourself in the unique landscapes of Yellowstone NP and to explore all the small scenes surrounding you.”
“This ebook - which lies somewhere between a prized coffee table portfolio and a seminar in small scenes - grants deeply personal access into the creative mind of a great artist with a unique vision. Sarah’s thoughtful interpretations of small scenes and her skillful elevation of the mundane hold many lessons for any photographer. Likewise, her collection of essays have certainly ensured that I’ll never look at the humble huckleberry bush or geothermal bacterial mats the same!”
“Sarah has assembled a beautiful portfolio full of emotion. The breadth and depth of the photos presented well represent a park that I am intimately familiar with. The stories that accompany the stunning images give you a deep appreciation of how meaningful the park is to Sarah. I only hope to see this as a coffee table book someday since it is well deserving of a more formal display.”
“‘Lessons from the Landscape: Yellowstone National Park’ delivers a visual celebration as Sarah brings the reader along her photographic journey and experiences in this iconic American National Park. Sarah delivers the tangible educational lessons her audience has come to know and love. In addition, she expands her guidance by sharing her reflective inner dialogue, supporting contemplation of one’s own personal growth and the essential connection to nature required to find the happiness photography could and should bring to our lives.”
Photos from Lessons from the Landscape
Why Yellowstone?
I took this video on my phone while eating lunch at one of the backcountry geyser basins in Yellowstone National Park. In one of the most popular national parks in the United States, we saw only a few other people during a full day getting to and exploring this place. The trail passes right by that pretty blue pool at the beginning of the video. It also meanders through an area with a steaming creek, past a lively geyser, along the shore of a massive lake, and through a lodgepole pine forest that in fall is home to fiery red huckleberry bushes and other autumnal plants. All this is to say that Yellowstone is so much more than Old Faithful and crowded boardwalks (other both of those are certainly worth visiting, too).
Yellowstone was the first national park I visited as a child. I think this is a big part of the reason it felt like a special place when I first visited it for photography. Now that I have gotten to know the park in a more personal way, it keeps pulling me back. It is easy to get away from the crowds, surreal subjects are plentiful, and the weather is dynamic—a perfect place to explore for nature photography, especially smaller scenes. This ebook shares the stories of how I learned to see past the icons and develop a more personal portfolio of this landscape. I hope my learning, as shared through the eleven essays, might be helpful for other photographers looking for fresh ways to connect with the natural world through photography.