I am happy to announce my newest ebook, Lessons from the Landscape: Yellowstone National Park, which includes an almost entirely new portfolio of photographs, eleven personal essays, and six practical case studies. This is my most personal project yet, and I am excited to share it with you.
You can get the ebook for the discounted price of $19.95 through Tuesday, September 14. See below for more details.
Lessons from the Landscape: Yellowstone National Park features Sarah Marino's portfolio of photographs created within the borders of America's first National Park.
Through her eclectic and diverse portfolio of photographs and eleven deeply personal essays, Lessons from the Landscape is meant to inspire, invite contemplation about our motivations for photographing nature, encourage practices that can lead to greater personal satisfaction through photography, and explore the ways that we can connect more deeply with the natural world. This ebook is not a location guide for Yellowstone National Park and includes few location references. Instead, it is contemplative work meant to convey Sarah's connection with and interpretations of this dynamic, surreal landscape.
Five percent of the revenue from this ebook will be donated to the Greater Yellowstone Coalition to help offset the impact of our travel in the park.
A 187-page PDF ebook featuring 166 portfolio photographs created in Yellowstone National Park including grand landscapes, small scenes, abstracts, and portraits of plants. Although some iconic locations are included, most photos in the book are more personal interpretations of the Yellowstone ecosystem.
11 personal essays focusing on themes related to "lessons from the landscape" including Sarah's personal connection to the park, learning to appreciate small details, slowing down, exploring without a plan, minimizing expectations, the benefits of learning more about an ecosystem, listening to your voice, and more.
Six detailed case studies talking through notes on creativity, field practices, and processing for each photograph.
Technical details for 50 of the photos from the portfolio, including focal length, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, filters, and more.
Sarah’s book Lessons from the Landscape: Yellowstone National Park is an inspiring mix of incredible imagery and insightful words. Even if you have spent a lot of time in Yellowstone, Sarah’s images will leave you stunned by the beauty of this park. Her essays invite you into her head and heart as she shares the way she sees this national park and photography overall. Lessens from the Landscape will leave you wanting to immerse yourself in the unique landscapes of Yellowstone NP and to explore all the small scenes surrounding you. -Kristen Ryan