Sarah and I spent most of February in Death Valley in our Airstream until eventually the busy weekend crowds drove us away. Despite Death Valley’s increasing popularity it is still possible to avoid the crowds if you explore lesser known areas of the park, including the numerous canyons which have been the focus of our last few trips to Death Valley, and feature prominently in this collection.
This is only a small selection of my photos from our last trip, please see my recent work Death Valley gallery for the complete fifty photograph collection.
“Curves” - Shadow and light and blowing sand mingle.
“Proud Pygmy” - A Pygmy Cedar against a glowing canyon wall.
“Sand Waves” - Sand patterns that are revealed for a few moments when the sun is low in the horizon.
“Spray Paint” - Natural graffiti adorns this rock in the Panamint Mountains.
“Ghosts” - Drifts of sand blowing in the howling wind
“Beamed” - A sunbeam briefly lights up an alluvial fan.
“Winding Canyon” - Reflected light in a remote canyon.
“Sand Storm” - Dust and sand from high winds revealed this layers of the Panamint Mountains.
“Tortured” - A gnarled and twisted remote canyon wall more resembling driftwood than rock.
“Rock Candy” - A potpourri of colors and shapes